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31 May

Essay On Rihinoceroses 250 Words - A1 Subject

                        Essay On Rihinoceroses


      Rhinoceroses is a plant eating animal. They have short limbs, small ears and big body. They have bad eyesight but good sense of smell. They are large heavy and thick skinned animals. They are three meters long 1.5 metres high and 2 tonnes in weight approximately.

        Nepal is famous for one horned rhinoceros which is rare and famous all over the world. They live in tropical regions of thick forest and tall grasses. In Nepal they are found in Bardiya national park. Grass, leaves and several other kinds of shrubs are their main food source. They are herbivorous.  

      Jungle is getting cut down in alarming rates.The increase in population and modernistic is reducing the area of jungle day by day. It affects the habitat and food of the rhinos resulting into affect in their lives as well. They are an integral part of the ecosystem which is why they are protected inside the national park. 

       It is illegal to kill one horned rhinos in Nepal. The poachers and smugglers kill the one horned rhinos for their horn , tough skin and bones which is considered to be most important. The poachers kill the rhino illegally and sell them on international market. This has caused reduction in number of the rhino, they are endangered species. The habitat destruction also dos not help as this causes imbalance in ecosystem of the Rhinos resulting in diseases an death of rhinos. 

       To save the life of rhino's and increase their number so that they will not be endangered species government must increase the area of national park, heighten the security and also increase the number of national parks around Nepal and in the world. 

    There are two kinds of Rhinoceros in the world. One horned rihno has one upright horn an other kind has two horns on the snout.

                                                        Thanks You!!!

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